Identify your inner saboteurs and measure your Positive Intelligence

Saboteur Assessment

Saboteurs are the negative voices in your head that trigger stress, self-doubt, frustration, and unhappiness. These mental patterns influence how you think, feel, and respond to everyday challenges, undermining your performance, relationships, and overall well-being.

The Saboteur Assessment helps you identify these inner critics, understand their impact, and begin the journey toward quieting them. By recognizing these patterns, you can strengthen your positive mental muscles and reclaim control over your thoughts and emotions.

PQ® Score Assessment

Your PQ® (POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE® Quotient) is a powerful measure of your mental fitness—the balance between your positive and negative mental muscles. Just as physical fitness helps you climb steep hills with ease, mental fitness empowers you to face life’s challenges without succumbing to stress, frustration, or other negative emotions.

By taking our PQ® Score Assessment, you’ll uncover how often your mind works for you versus how often it sabotages you. A higher PQ® score means stronger positive mental muscles, equipping you to navigate obstacles with resilience and confidence.

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